Preoperative Preparation Guide

This guide has been put together to help you on your journey, with advice from ENG Healt Care patients who have undergone their surgery journeys with us. These fun tips will answer all the questions you may have at any stage during your surgery experience.


  • Take a few minutes during the day of your consultation to write down any questions you may have. Start carrying a notebook with you the day before. Keep your notebook with you during the consultation and write down the answers to your questions. This way, you will have no questions left in your mind before going into surgery.
  • Bring firm sports bras with you so you can try breast implants and get a feel for their size and appearance.
  • Learn about the different types of prosthesis and decide with your doctor which one is best for you.
  • Supramuscularü, submuscular, partial – Learn the differences and decide with your doctor which one is suitable for your body type.
  • Remember that the prosthesis size It does not determine your breast cup size after surgery. Each prosthesis combines with your existing breast tissue and creates a different size. It reveals. For this reason, you can decide on the breast size you want and choose the appropriate prosthesis size for it. Choose with the help of your doctor.
  • Possible “rippling” after breast prosthesis So learn about volatility.
  • If you do not have enough breast tissue, avoid overly large implants.
  • Two measures recommended by your doctor: If you are undecided, always choose the larger one.
  • Make sure your ENG Healt Care emails do not end up in your spam mail. These e-mails may contain last minute discount offers..
  • It is important for you to be within a healthy BMI range for your surgery. The healthy BMI range is between 19-32.
  • Don't forget to have two types of ID cards with you.


  • Eating and drinking within the required hours will make blood collection easier and less painful.
  • It is important to be at your ideal weight before breast augmentation surgery. Weight gain or loss afterwards may affect your results.
  • If you haven't already, join the ENG Healt Care Forum to get an idea of ​what you'll experience before and after surgery, how you'll feel emotionally, and reach out to people who've had similar experiences.
  • A few days after surgery A "v pillow" that will make it easier to sleep during the week. You can take. Or any pillow that will help you sleep upright will do the trick. Sleeping upright is also important to reduce swelling.
  • If you have leg, armpit and bikini waxing before the surgery, you will not have to worry after the surgery.
  • A few extra cups to use after breast surgery. Buy a sports bra or get one from ENG Healt Care.
  • Stop drinking alcohol and smoking two weeks before your surgery. Alcohol thins the blood and slows down bleeding during surgery, and tobacco slows down healing by reducing oxygen delivery to the cells.
  • Do not go to the solarium one week before the surgery.


  • Bring a dressing gown and slippers with you.
  • Laptopü Computer, books, magazines, etc. will help you spend time in your room without getting bored.
  • If you have any piercings, either remove them or replace them with plastic ones..
  • Remove false eyelashes, metal clips, nail polish, and false nails. Do not use moisturizer or deodorant before surgery.
  • You can bring energy drinks with you for post-operative hydration.
  • Keep your phone, charger and camera with you if you want to take photos before the surgery.
  • If you experience nausea after anesthesia, inform your nurse and take anti-nausea medication. request it.


  • The first few days after surgery Take anti-bacterial wet wipes to clean yourself because you can't take a shower that day. 
  • Once your dressings are removed, clean the pen marks using water and cream. Use non-irritating cleansers. Do not touch your wounds.
  •  Protein is important for wound and muscle healing. For this reason, consume plenty of protein-rich foods such as turkey, chicken, fish, tofu and low-fat red meat.
  • You will start to see your results after six weeks with breast prosthesis. But remember, everyone's healing speed is different, so it may take a few days before you see your final result. It may take weeks or months.
  • Bulge/Fall – Your body adapts to your prostheses through tissue expansion. While upper breast fullness decreases and lower breast fullness increases.Breasts may drop at a different rate, so don't worry if one drops before the other. This event usually lasts six to three weeks. It takes months.
  • Use a minimum of SPF 30 sunscreen on your scars for at least a year. Or it would be better to close your wounds directly.
  • Avoid alcohol and cigarettes for at least two weeks after surgery. Continue not to drink. Drinking thins the blood and makes it vulnerable to bleeding. Alcohol thins the blood and slows down bleeding during surgery, and tobacco slows down healing by reducing oxygen delivery to the cells.


  • Be prepared to take at least two weeks off from your workplace or school.
  • Basic needs you use at home; Bring the products (tea, cup, medicine, etc.) to waist level so that you do not have to bend over.
  • Get appropriate pillows for sitting or lying upright. For extra comfort, place soft pillows under your waist and knees.
  • After six weeks, you can start doing light exercises. Consult your doctor for heavy exercises.
  • Again, avoid sexual intercourse for about six weeks. Even if you can't avoid it, start lightly and carefully. After BBL, you may damage the fat grafts or cause capsular contracture in the breast prosthesis.
  • Do not drive for about two weeks.
  • Get your doctor's approval before taking a shower. Be careful not to get your dressings or incisions wet. Get help taking a shower for the first two weeks or so.
  • If you have small children, be careful not to lift them for about six weeks.
  • To get up from a lying position, place your arms next to your knees and stand up by rocking back and forth.
  • Do not wear underwire bras for at least six weeks. To your scars  and may have a negative impact on your recovery time.


  • Sports bra to try on prosthetics during consultation
  • Magazines, books, sports energy drinks, etc.
  • Comfortable top and pajamas with front tie
  • Sports bra for post-surgery (also available from ENG Healt Care)
  • Antibacterial wet wipes for cleaning after surgery
  • At the end of the dressing, remove the pen marks left from the surgery, use cream, wipes, etc.


  • Üupper – prosthesis placed on the muscle
  • Bottom – prosthesis placed under the muscle
  • Ripple – This may happen if you have a small amount of breast tissue or if your implants are very large. Sometimes you can see but not feel, and sometimes you can feel but not see. Mentor brand prostheses provide protection against fluctuation. Often the ripple effect cannot be returned to normal.
  • Bulge/Fall – Your body adapts to your prostheses through tissue expansion. While upper breast fullness decreases and lower breast fullness increases. Breasts may drop at a different rate, so don't worry if one drops before the other. This event usually lasts six to three weeks. It takes months.
  • Capsular Contraction – Excessive amount of scar tissue causes the breast to harden and deform. That's why it's important not to exercise for up to six weeks after surgery. This complication is mainly caused by exercise, but sometimes it can be just a surgery-related condition. All this information will be explained to you in detail by your doctor before the surgery, so you do not need to worry.
  • Emergency line – Keep the business card your nurse gave you with you, as there is a nurse line open 24/7 on it.